Tuesday, September 23, 2008

KS99 and Nyzul Isl

I have been seriously slacking on my blog so i decided to put a simple filler post until i get something really exciting to post about.
Not alot has happend since my last update. I finally got brd to 75 and have been useing it to get the much needed merits for my ninja. I had merits all over the place and in no usefull places, so i deleted about 15 merits from my char and started to re-spec him with a goal in mind. I'll let you know if it works out before i let the cat out of the bag. Since i began meriting with brd i have erned about 18 merits and placed them in places that may actually help improve my performance this time.

Bubbo, Big, Dyl, and myself gave a low man KS99 a go. We tried with a setup of RDM/NIN RDM/WHM, BRD/WHM x2 and RNG/NIN x2. We lost 2 times but we were able to get the dragon to 39% before we wiped and we did that with only 2 RNG DDs. My original plan was to have Bubbo tank as RDM/NIN but talking to her after the run made me want to try swaping the rdm tank with a 3rd RNG. The actual fight is very easy during the first 40% and the last 40%. The only hard part is when the dragon takes flight and spams some nasty AOE crap that we were'nt prepared for. I think that with 3 RNGs we can zerg that pain in the ass 20% in air phase very quickly and get him on the ground so we can breath easy. I am just waiting on a few more seals to get another orb and I'll let you know how that goes.

Enna has asked me to join his Nyzul static and they are pretty good. I almost turned him down since he passed me over a few times and only invited me when he lost his brd and I just happend to ding 75 on mine. I really cant complain since Nyzul is only friendly to war sam rdm and brd, no other jobs are allowed to play in there. It is working out so far, i was lucky to get the NIN and BRD weapons needed for the new weapon skills during my 1st and 2nd runs. I totaly wasnt expecting to get any lots for a while since i am the "FNG" (fucking new guy). As far as these new weapons go, i cant be that excited because i need to earn 5000+ weaponskill points just to unlock the new WS. This is the ultimate time sink and i doubt that i will get it any time soon. I tried for a few days just doing solo WS and some with my NPC but it was just taking to long and i got bored. As far as i know, Enna plans to do a straight climb to floor 100 using my disk. so im guessing that i wont see much chances at any gear since that requires farming certian floors multiple times. I am most excited about that assult points that i will earn doing all this. I really want a Perdu weapon soon. Im like the only person on the sever without one.

this has kind been the norm in my closings, so why stop now.. here is a pic of Rage and i looking gay as ever below a setting sun near a fiery beach.

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